March 2025

World Peace Guru Rinpoche Plaque placement

Today Guru Rinpoche plague was thrown by me to the Vistula River in Poland. Its placement was preceded by prayers and mantras: Refuge, Bodhicitta, 7-Line Prayer, Wangdü, A Prayer to the Precious Guru from Uḍḍiyāna That Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes revealed by Jigme Nüden Dorje, one special prayer – the terma of His Holiness Khenchen Lama Rinpoche ༧སྐྱབས་རྗེ་དམ་པ་མཁན་ཆེན་བླ་མ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ། , lots of Vajra Guru mantra repetitions and Dedication Prayers. I was all alone at the shore and the beach for about one hour.

As I was ready to throw the plague into the river (a place with snow on one of the photos), a paraglider came flying and started circling above and around me, definitely curious about what I was doing. He flew off and came back three times. When he finally decided to go and I felt the time was right I swung the plague and threw it far into the river. I don’t have a video of the throw because I was there alone and didn’t have the ability to record at the same time.

A minute later, a kayaker suddenly appeared out of nowhere (there had been no one there until then, only birds) and I was happy to see that he had sailed right over the spot where I had thrown the plague. He had thus received its immense blessing.

Let these activities bring multiple benefits for all sentient beings and our universe!

I attach few pictures taken before the throw & a recording of 7-Line Prayer in two melodies (sorry for my poor voice but the intention was strong).

via Marcin Piątkowski
